The Feng Shuality™ Adventure

Feng Shuality®: A Sensual Journey to Harmony

A Personal Odyssey Towards Healing, Connection, and Empowerment

Feng Shui Sexualité Sacrée Paris

Hello, I'm Laurène, the founder of Feng Shuality®, and I'm delighted to have you here!

Let me take you on a marvelous journey filled with unexpected coincidences that led us to create Feng Shuality,® a concept that merges Feng Shui and Sensuality to deepen our connection to ourselves and our surroundings.

This story is rooted in my personal and spiritual, journey, and I invite you to join me on this inspiring and unconventional ride. Are you ready to embark on the road less traveled? 🌸✈️🎢

Feng Shui Paris

From Paris to the Quest for Meaning

I was born and raised in Paris, France. At the age of 18, I made the decision to pursue a degree in Interior Design at SCAD in the United States and Hong Kong. Following my graduation, I embarked on a successful career in renowned hospitality design firms, between New York, San Francisco, and my beloved Paris.

However, amidst the hustle and bustle of a demanding job and a hectic social life, an invisible pressure began to build within me, eventually leading to a brain diagnosis in 2019. Urgent surgery became a necessity.

In the wake of this near-death experience, I found myself on a quest for meaning and healing. I embarked on a journey to the farthest corners of the world, seeking solace in diverse cultures and philosophies.

My travels included learning meditation in Nepal, yoga in India, conversing with monks in Buddhist monasteries in Tibet, and exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Burma and Thailand, Phillipines, Cambodia, Indonesia and more... Here are some pictures from this inspiring travel👇🏻

buddhisme feng shui

Bhutan: Where I Discovered Feng Shui and Sacred Sexuality

It was in the heart of Bhutan, a tiny country in between India and China, often hailed as the happiest place on Earth, from the GHI (Gross Happiness Index) that the seeds of Feng Shuality® were sown. My curiosity was piqued by the serene and harmonious energy I felt upon arriving in this enchanting country.

But how could such tranquility prevail?

Awakening to Feng Shui: The art of harmony

One of the answer is that Bhutan places a profound emphasis on spirituality, a stark contrast to the Western world. They even have a specialized school for urban astrology, including Feng Shui—an ancient Chinese art of harmonizing our environments to promote well-being and prosperity.

To delve deeper into the world of Feng Shui, you can read our very first blog post: "What is Feng Shui Here."HERE ☯️

The Significance of Sexual Energy

My understanding of the importance of sexual energy deepened during my Bhutan travel. In the closing days of my trip, I visited a monastery where, for the first time in my life, I beheld a magnificent sculpture of Buddha engaged in a sensual interaction with another female Buddha. As seen on the picture.

This sight, which made me uncomfortable, evoked a nervous laughter out of me. I had always been reserved when it came to discussing sexuality. My struggles with intimacy left me pondering whether a fulfilling relationship was even possible for me.

voyages feng shui

Upon leaving the monastery, my guide offered a profound insight:

"The chaos of this world stems from a misunderstanding of our own sexuality, which is our true essence. It's crucial to honor and respect this energy because it's the very source from which we all originate. It is vital energy, life itself."

Today, we exist in a world dominated by masculine (Yang) energy, with a repression of the feminine (Yin) energy. This imbalance wreaks havoc on intimate and sexual relationships, affecting future generations.

buddhisme feng shui

Tibetan Tantric Buddhism

Indeed, sexual frustration often leads to tension and aggression within households, impacting the minds of our children and perpetuating a destructive cycle. This realization led me to conclude that:

“We must harmonize the sensual dance between Yin and Yang to keep the spark of life burning within us and around us.”

That is why I decided to be certifies in Feng Shui, to deepen my knowledge in Taoism and how to implement those principles into our household. In parallel, I began to educate myself on Sacred Sexuality.

Back to Paris, France

With the arrival of COVID in 2020, my travels came to an end and my career as a Feng Shui expert began in Paris.

At the same time, I began seeing a sexologist and psychoterapist to deepen my intimate healing journey.

Feng Shui Expert

I've led discussion groups and workshops on Feng Shui and Sacred Sexuality, with the aim of awakening the sexual energy (libido) within and around us.

Find out more about the importance of Sexual Energy, in our blog: The Power of Sexual Energy HERE. 🌸

Australia: A Part of the Solution with Somatic Sexology

A friend recommended that I watch "Sex, Love & Goop" on Netflix, which introduced me to a novel approach to intimacy—a somatic approach where practitioners are permitted to engage in bodywork and intimate touch with their clients, with full consent, of course.

Delve deeper into the world of Somatic Sexology, with this blog post: What is Somatic Sexology HERE ✨

I was captivated by this approach and yearned to explore it further under the guidance of experts. After extensive research, I discovered that Australia was a pioneer in this field. That is why I decided to go to Australia in April 2022 to continue my intimate healing process.

Somatic Bodywork & Full Body Orgasm

It was during a somatic bodywork massage that my life took a transformative turn. This experience unlocked deep-seated traumas, allowing me to reconnect with my body on a profound level. It awakened all my senses—smell, touch, texture, taste, and more. My ego dissolved completely, where I experienced a Full Body Orgasm—a state of heightened awareness and sensation. This intense massage, unlike any I had experienced before, made my entire body vibrate, creating a pathway for me to reconnect with my sensuality.

It's after this awakening experience that I'd like to help people not only create harmony in their homes through Feng Shui, but also in their sexuality and intimate relationships through Tantra. To find out more about Tantra, read our article: Tantra: Embracing the Ancient Path to Enhance Modern Relationships

PS: I'm currently training in Integrative Sexothherapy in Australia and as a Tantra practitioner in India.

Feng Shuality® today

Educate, inspire and revolutionize

Today, while I am educating myself on Tantra and Sexotherapy, I continued to offer Feng Shui consultations, educate people on sexual wellness through social media and workshops, and launched an e-commerce platform. Our range of sensual interior products, including candles, incense, wall art, and more, are designed to awaken your senses and enhance libido (sexual and healing energy) through your living space. Each product includes their “Feng ShualiTips” or Feng Shui tips to deepen your understanding of this ancient practice. All our products are educational and tell the story of Feng Shuality®, just like our Yin and Yang Scents, all made in France from Paris, which harmonize energy around and within yourself. Check them out here:

Feng Shui Paris Sensualité

Join us on this extraordinary adventure 🫶🏻

If you'd like to support us, please visit our services, e-shop and help spread the word. Your support would be greatly appreciated. If this adventure inspires you, please share it with others. I'd also be delighted to meet you in person to hear your stories. Don't miss any of our events in Paris or elsewhere in the world by subscribing to our regular Feng ShualiTips (Newsletter) HERE 🌸

With all my love,

Laurène ❤️ #fengshuality