What is Feng Shui?
We very often talk about the benefits that Yoga or acupuncture bring to our body, but what about where we live? Feng Shui can be considered a Yoga practice dedicated to one's home. We explain to you very briefly what Feng Shui is and how it works.
Where does Feng Shui come from?
Feng Shui was born over 4000 years ago in China. It was only reserved for Chinese emperors and ruling classes. Inspired by Taoist philosophy, it was the first Chinese tribes led by Taoist masters and kings-shamans who created the outline of Feng Shui. The early Feng Shui masters were ruled by the natural elements of the Earth such as wind (Feng) and water (Shui).
A thousand-year-old Chinese art of living
Before we understand what Feng Shui is, we must understand how energy is created. Ancient civilizations have transmitted that there is a cosmic breath, which is called "Chi", giving life and energy to all things.
Feng Shui is a spiritual practice that works with this vital “Chi” energy, an energy that is also found in Yoga such as Prana yoga, Kundalini yoga ...
It is also the art of living in harmony with our environment. Its objective is to optimize the circulation of energies in order to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the household or of the workers.
Feng Shui today
It was only during the 20th century that this Chinese art of living spread and crossed borders. Today, Feng Shui helps in the placement of buildings and the organization of interior spaces and furniture to create a fluid flow of “Chi”, and thus energize environments with the aim of creating harmony and promoting health. and prosperity. Cities like Hong Kong and Singapore use the rules of Feng Shui with respect and seriousness and as a result, have become the most prosperous cities in the world.
"The duty of Feng Shui is to harmonize the energy of a place so that it can positively impact us. "
How does Feng Shui really works?
Feng Shui is the presence of two opposing forces that come from heaven and earth. This is the famous principle of Yin and Yang, the sacred union of feminine and masculine energies which unite to create life: this vital energy which is "Chi".
Just like acupuncture, Tai Chi or Qigong which improve the circulation of energy in our body, Feng Shui has the duty to harmonize the energy of a place so that it can positively impact us. Support from a Feng Shui Master or practitioner is strongly recommended for a complete diagnosis of your home and your needs.
Thank you so much for reading one of our very first article! For more information on what Feng Shui is and how it can work in your home, please do not hesitate to contact our Feng Shui expert team through our contact form here.
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