Terms of Service
The general conditions of service present the rights and obligations of the FENG SHUALITY™ brand, specializing in Feng Shui interior design consultations, here in after referred to by the term "We" or by its name on the one hand, and any natural or legal person wishing to benefit from the services of FENG SHUALITY™, hereinafter referred to as the "Client" on the other hand. These general conditions of sale will prevail over any other condition appearing in any other document, except prior, express and written derogation. Any customer acknowledges having read this document before having signed an estimate with the mention "good for agreement" and having the capacity to contract with FENG SHUALITY™. Any signature of the estimate implies acceptance of the present conditions.
Article 1: object
These conditions are intended to define the terms under which we will perform our services at the express request of the Customer. These general conditions may be supplemented, if necessary, by special conditions, which in this case will be appended.
Article 2: Acceptance
The Client acknowledges having read this document before signing an estimate with the mention "good for agreement" and having the capacity to have a contract with FENG SHUALITY™. Any signature of the estimate implies acceptance of these conditions which will be made available to the Customer with the estimate.
Article 3: Nature, date and place of the service
The services that We provide are intended to meet a need for advice, support, the realization of a decoration and interior design project. Among other things, we provide Feng Shui expertise services (Feng Shui Analysis, Feng Shui Brand Identity, Feng Shui Home Staging, Feng Shui Astrology), design of a decoration project, graphics and interior layout and shopping (Feng Shui Home Staging Service).
This list is not exhaustive and we reserve the right to add, delete or modify any service, if we deem it necessary, the customer will be informed of these modifications if they have an impact on him. We intervene only following a request from the client. The date and place of performance of the services are agreed in advance by mutual agreement by telephone or e-mail between us and the customer.
Article 4 Preliminary estimate
For Full Consultation and Feng Shui Home Staging services, a written quotation will be established. This estimate will specify the contact details of the customer, the details of the services, the details of the products required as well as the total cost of the intervention. The quote is free. The estimate will have a period of validity which will be indicated on the latter, during which the Customer may choose to contract or not to contract.
Article 5 Acceptance of the quote
Following the completion of the quote, the Customer must, if he accepts the implementation of the service, sign it. This quote will set the place, date, terms, duration and price of the service to be performed. It will list the equipment necessary for the performance of the service.
Article 6 Applicable rates
The rates applicable to the various services will be brought to the attention of the Customer before any intervention via an estimate previously completed and signed. The prices are indicated in euros HT, because the VAT is not applicable, art.293 B of the CGI.
Article 7 Payments
In return for the performance of the services relating to the mission defined in the estimate attached to this contract, the client will pay us the sum indicated on the estimate signed and accepted by the client.
Any request by the customer for an additional service, not included in the initial estimate appended, will be the subject of an additional estimate.
Article 8 Terms of payment
For our services of more than €500, a deposit of 30% of the amount of the service will be due upon signature of the estimate, the remaining sum will be payable by the client upon delivery of the final study. For the “Shopping” option, in the “Home Staging Feng Shui” service, the client must plan to provide the funds used for purchases. No advances will be made.
In accordance with articles 441-6 c. com. and D. 441-5 c. com. Any delay in payment automatically entails, in addition to late payment penalties, an obligation for the debtor to pay a lump sum indemnity of €40 for recovery costs.
Article 9 Performance of the service
The service provider undertakes to carry out the task specified in the estimate, in accordance with the rules of the art and in the best manner. The service provider undertakes to submit the documents concerning the performance of the service.
Article 10 Customer commitment
The customer undertakes to provide us with all the means necessary for the performance of the defined services: access to the places and objects subject to the performance of the services, taking pictures of the parts and objects for the study of the project by the service provider, as well as the provision of these places and objects at the times and schedule agreed between the parties. The client undertakes to make the modifications necessary for the proper performance of the service, requested by FENG SHUALITY.
Article 11 Cancellation, withdrawal, modification
From the date of the order (signature of the quote), and in accordance with the legislation in force, you have a period of fourteen days to exercise your right of withdrawal. The refund of the amount paid for the order will be made at the latest within thirty days of receipt of the letter. This provision only applies to individuals.
In case of cancellation, your order cannot be refunded, and is entirely due. Any postponement of appointments, by either party, must take place no later than 48 hours before the intervention. The two parties will mutually agree on another date.
Article 12 Intellectual Property and Confidentiality
The FENG SHUALITY™ brand owns the sketches, visuals and illustrations produced as part of our services on your home, and any other place of intervention. These visuals may then be used by FENG SHUALITY™ for commercial purposes: dissemination on the website, catalogs, other commercial documents. The services provided to the client are governed by the intellectual property code. They therefore remain the property of FENG SHUALITY™. The customer is prohibited from reproducing, copying, selling, reselling or exploiting for any commercial purpose whatsoever all or part of the service, any use of the service or any right of access to the service. Regarding the photos taken at your home, you authorize us to distribute them free of charge on our commercial media (website, social networks, etc.). FENG SHUALITY™ undertakes to respect the anonymity of the client.
Article 13 Liability
FENG SHUALITY™ is neither the project owner nor the prime contractor in carrying out the work, and thus does not monitor it. As such, we do not engage our contractual liability. The services we provide are only subject to a simple obligation of means and not to an obligation of result. It is agreed that our liability can only be incurred for direct and foreseeable damage resulting from an order. Compensation for consequential damages suffered by the Customer is excluded. We shall in no event be liable for damages caused by any failure by the Customer to fulfill his obligations, or by poor workmanship or misinterpretation of our recommendations by the craftsman hired by the Customer. FENG SHUALITY™ can provide dimensioned drawings for information only. Each craftsman must imperatively take the dimensions necessary for the good realization of his work in accordance with the DUT of his profession. Although our intervention may lead us to put our client in touch with qualified service providers in the decoration and building sector, the client contracts directly and freely with each service provider. We cannot be held liable in the event of a breach by this service provider. In the event of a dispute, the customer can only turn to the offending service provider. When FENG SHUALITY™ accompanies the customer in his Shopping and therefore in his choice of supplies, any contractual breach, delay, faulty workmanship or hidden defect attributable to a third party cannot in any case be blamed on him and engage his responsibility.
Article 14 Protection of your personal data (CNIL)
Among the information that we are required to ask you, some are mandatory because they are essential for the performance of our services in the best conditions, others are optional and collected with the aim of better satisfying you by responding in a more personalized way to your expectations. . These data are collected by FENG SHUALITY™, recorded in electronic format and some may be transmitted to our service providers as part of your order (transport of items purchased during a Shopping service for example, connection with our service providers etc). In accordance with article 34 of law 78.17 of January 6, 1978, known as the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data.
You can exercise this right by sending a letter to: FENG SHUALITY™ 32 Boulevard d'Argenson, Neuilly sur Seine, or by sending an e-mail to: info@feng-shuality.com