Sensual Kit

12,90 €

Immerse yourself in the sensual pleasures of Love with our Sensuality Kit. These 3 marvellous Feng Shui stones are delivered with an explanatory card in our Feng Shuality pouch:

  • Rose Quartz promotes self-love and intimate relationships. It brings gentleness and comfort to wounds of the heart.

  • Carnelian is the key stone for stimulating sexual energy. It also activates creativity and helps combat frigidity and impotence.

  • Aventurine is a gentle stone, ideal for activating a process of self-knowledge. When combined with rose quartz, it activates the opening of the heart.

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Feng ShualiTips ✨

You can carry the stones with you on a romantic date, for example, or place them in your bedroom to encourage that feeling of loving-kindness. Don't forget to purify them regularly with white or blue sage. Once or twice a month.

Quartz Rose
7,00 €
À partir de 45,00 €