Why I chose to live in Australia

Here I am finally in Australia! The trip was very long, fortunately I first found my mother in Malaysia before taking off to Melbourne and Sydney.

So why this sudden move to the other side of the world?

Aside from my love for koalas, kangaroos and breathtaking landscapes, this decision started with a question I had when I returned from the United States, 3 years ago from now: Where do I belong in this world? ?

Feng Shui San Francisco

As soon as I returned to Paris after working as an interior designer in San Francisco, I remember being in tears for weeks, at the idea of living back with my parents. I no longer had a VISA to return to the United States and no longer wanted to work in an architectural firms because I quickly understood that corporate life no longer suited me.

What was I going to do with my life?

Shortly after, I decided to go to the Himalayas to see more clearly. A magnificent trip, which lasted a few months because of the COVID. Life really wanted me to come back to France!

Feng Shui Expert

Burma, 2019

Feng Shui Paris

Back in Paris, I started a long therapeutic work (psychotherapy, sex therapy, family constellation etc…).

Looking deeply at where you come from is a painful but worthwhile journey. I would never have been able to observe and accept my unconscious patterns if I had not returned to Paris, where I grew up. I knew deep down that this return was only a transition to start again better.

Before I left California, my best friend Alex told me “find your grounding in order to fly wherever you want”. And what better than to go back to your roots to do that?

Travel Lines Study / Astro Mapping

During the early days of COVID, I began researching what would be my next destination when the international borders would open.

My therapist advised to go and see a Vedic astrologer to help choose the most suitable cities for my personal development through the study of travel lines study, also called astro mapping.

This study is based on the energies in relation to the positioning of the planets during our birth. With this technique, we can find the best places to live, move or go on vacation.

Feng Shui Travel

Following my Vedic astrology session, I was amazed by what this card had to say about my experiences in the different cities where I lived (Savannah, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong and Paris). So where is the best place for me to settle down?

Feng Shui Australia
Feng Shui Australia

That is where he told me that I had no line of support in Europe, that’s why I had the feeling of not being in my place in France… No wonder why I always want to travel! I was a little disappointed to know that my most beautiful line to flourish (Jupiter) is on the Australian east coast. Of course it had to fall on the other side of the world! That's why I took my courage to travel and explore this corner of the world.

After I lived in 5 different cities, I am convinced that choosing the right city is like choosing the right intimate relationship to evolve. Each place has a specific vibration that will bring out a part of your personality.

For example, the line of the moon will strengthen your nurturing and loving side while the line of Mars will bring out the strength and the warrior that lies in you etc…

Feng Shui Melbourne

Curious by nature, I started to study on this subject and it is with great enthusiasm that I offer a new service at a low price, so that you can choose a place that is align with your desires for the moment.

And now I'm off to experience this beautiful line of Jupiter which is on the east coast of Australia.

If you also want to find out which place on this planet is more favorable for you, check out my new service: Travel Line Study Map Here

Thanks for reading this new journal! See you soon for to know more about this great adventure.

Lots of love and light on your paths,

Laurene ❤️


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Candles & Feng Shui