4 Feng Shui tips for a successful year
September is approaching so quickly! What could be better than to start this New Year on a good basis? In this article, we will help you align yourself with your WHY, what is called your life mission/ destiny.
Small reminder: Feng Shui is a Chinese art which aims to harmonize the energy of an environment.
Here are 4 Feng Shui tips to start the year off right. Come on, let's rock this new year together 😁✨
Feng ShualiTip 01: Tidy up !
The first thing to do before doing Feng Shui is to keep everything clean and smooth. Take a day to clean up well and get rid of the things you no longer need.
Objects which draw you towards a bad feeling or your past that no longer serve you are a brake on your personal development. So say bye bye to all the things you no longer need and make room for new and beautiful energies! ✨🌸
To facilitate your work, use the Marie Kondo method and provide yourself with 5 bags / boxes where you will put:
5 Bags
1st bag - Things to throw away
2nd bag - Things to give to an association
3rd bag - Things to give to your loved ones
4th bag - Things to recycle
5th bag - The things you want to keep
Feng ShualiTip 02 : Work on your vision
The purpose of this step is to create a realistic vision for achieving the life of your dreams. The New Year in Feng Shui is the time for good resolutions. It is often at this time that we make new decisions for the year to come. This second step is very important and requires in-depth work for the coming year. So get ready to design your life vision! ✨
Creating a vision for your life may seem like a waste of time, but it isn't. Once properly defined, this vision will guide you like a compass and help you make the best decisions to take you to what is best for you.
Write down 5 realistic goals (or more) that you want to accomplish this year:
Take a moment to envision and feel the sensations the day you achieve these goals
Establish a clear strategy (example: creating small steps to reach your goal, it's always rewarding to overcome them little by little!)
Let it Go, Let it Go ✨ ! (example: going for a walk alone in nature, writing your feelings in a notebook, etc.)
Feng ShualiTip 03 : Do a Space Cleansing Purification
The tradition cleansing purification has been around for centuries in various cultures. Purification is performed to cleanse the house of stagnant and unwanted energy in order to invite peace and harmony. Our homes can be trapped by toxic energies, just like our minds. Negative thoughts and feelings like anger, sadness, and paranoia can get stuck in your home.
So where should we begin?
We advise you to purify your space on the evening of the new or full moon. Those moon periods allow to free yourself and your environment from all the accumulated negativity and to start again on good bases.
Before starting your little ceremony, it is best to dress all in white, to have protective stones on you (tourmaline, labradorite, clear crystal), white sage and coarse salt, a candle (to be placed in the center of your home), incense…
6 steps to start your purification:
Open all cupboards and windows
Place yourself in the center of your house and light your candle
Meditate in the center and pray for your vision for the coming year
Start burning your white sage and put the smoke on you first, then start from the front door, and turn clockwise repeating in your head, “Whether that or something. better is now manifesting itself for the greater good of those concerned ”. Be careful to pass the sage smoke in the corners and in the cupboards.
Feng ShualiTip 04 : Activate your destiny/ life mission
Once you have done all of this work, it is time to work on the area of your life mission, which is in the north of your home. Take a compass to detect in which room the North is.
The Feng Shui element of the North Zone / Bagua Zone is water, so the remedies you provide should be either the water element or the Feng Shui element that nourishes it. (The metallic element nourishes the water element.)
For further information on the Bagua Map, please check our blog on the bagua here
5 tips to activate your life mission:
Place an indoor fountain or aquarium
Add a black and white image. These should be people you admire in your professional field or in the field that you would like to explore in a future career.
Put on light with a beautiful fixture to activate energy. Make sure the size, appearance and design of your fixture matches the design of your room.
Place a picture with colors and shapes that make you think of the element of water.
Paint the walls an elegant blue or black color.
And There you go! 🥰 You have all the keys in hand for a successful year. We sincerely hope you enjoyed this article and that it will help you get off to a good start. We count on you to rock this year! 🙏🏻
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See you soon for new Feng Shuality™ articles! ✨
Much Love ❤️