Space Purification
Purifying the energy of a place helps to improve the quality of life of its habitants. The intention is to reprogram the place by elevating its vibrational essence.
The past of spaces we occupy has a great influence on our lives. Walls, furnitures, and objects are absorbed by energies that surround them, whether positive or negative. It is therefore sometimes necessary to renew those energies.
The goal is to get rid of negative vibes and to welcome more positivity into our homes. It can be used after hard life events such as a divorce, death or a move into a new property.
We will bring our purification kit to your home and perform a complete energetic cleansing so that you can welcome new opportunities into your life and offer Feng Shui tips and remedies for simple changes and powerful results.
We are drawing inspiration from real shamanic rituals.
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Price on Request & Quote